School Meals
School Dinners
School dinners are provided by Totally Local. All meals are nutritionally balanced and compliant to the Government Standards for Food Served in Schools.
School dinners cost £13.50 per week (£2.70 per day) and should be paid for in advance via ParentPay.
If you are not already set up on ParentPay for your child, please see the school office for an activation code.
The menus run on a three weekly cycle.
Spring and Summer Menus 2025 - click here to see the menus
Packed Lunch
You may prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch.
Please ensure that the packed lunch is healthy and balanced. Fizzy drinks, chocolate, sweets and crisps are not permitted. We ask that you avoid nuts including chocolate spreads containing hazelnuts as we have some children with nut allergies in school.
Click here to see what a healthy packed lunch looks like.
Please note the school does not provide a cooled storage area for packed lunches so cannot take responsibility for foods prepared at home and then brought into school. Pupils are able to bring hot food in a suitable thermos flask or container. However, the school cannot accept hot food via the school office.
Please ensure all food containers and bags are labelled with your child’s name.
Changing your Child's Meal Pattern
If you wish to change your child’s meal pattern (i.e. from school meal to packed lunch) you must notify the school office in advance by email at or by completing the appropriate form available at the school office.
Any change must take effect from the following Monday.
Unfortunately if you change your child's meal pattern without notifying the office, you will be charged for any meals ordered in the meantime.
If your child has any medically diagnosed food allergies or intolerances please ensure that you contact the school to provide full details.
The school will need a letter from your child's GP or other health professional providing details of any allergies.
Free School Meals
Some children may be eligible for free school meals regardless of their age if their parents or carers are in receipt of certain benefits.
If you think your children may be eligible for Free School Meals on low income grounds, then you can check your eligibility here.
Universal Free School Meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meal scheme regardless of income or financial circumstances.
If you have any queries regarding free school meals, please email and a member of the office team will get back to you.
Please only use the link above to apply for free school meal support. You will not be asked to provide your bank details by email. If you receive any emails asking for your bank details, please delete them immediately and do not respond.